gluten-free chain restaurants, fast food burgers, fries

The Best Gluten-Free Chain Restaurants

If you look at today’s population, as per last study done by Celiac Disease Foundation,  1 in 100 people worldwide have celiac disease. Celiac disease affects an estimated three million Americans. Today, we look at various fast food restaurants offering gluten free menus that are popular globally.  All around the world, more and more people are […]

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spices, gluten free

Are Spices And Herbs Gluten-Free?

  Spices and herbs add flavours, aromas, colour and textures to cooking. They are also used for medicinal properties. For example, oregano, turmeric and ginger all have significant health benefits. Because of their strong preservative quality, they are also used as natural preservatives in food storage. For example, rosemary is known for its preservative properties in meat. In addition, many spices and […]

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back to school

Back To School Gluten Free Recipes

Summer has flown by fast, and we’re gearing up with back-to-school gluten-free recipes for kids. During the school year, quick grab-and-go breakfasts, tasty snacks, and easy dinners are crucial for keeping to tight schedules. Balancing healthiness with kid-friendly tastes is the key to keeping everyone happy. Check out our favourite back to school gluten-free recipes! […]

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10 Food and Wine Pairings Featuring Our Best Gluten-Free Recipes

GUEST BLOG BY NICHOLAS RUBRIGHT. Food And Wine Pairing is an art that harmonizes flavors and enhances the dining experience. The delicate balance between a dish and the qualities of a wine can elevate both to new heights. Whether it’s a robust red complementing a rich steak, a crisp white cutting through the creaminess of […]

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summer cocktails, gluten free

10 Gluten-Free Vegan Alcoholic Drinks You Need to Try

BY GUEST CONTRIBUTOR LORI WADE. Just because you’re living a gluten-free or vegan lifestyle doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a refreshing cocktail this summer. Here are some recipes that you can try out, ranging from lusciously creamy to delightfully fruity.   1. Island Rum     This simple drink will have you feeling like you’re […]

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vegan summer potato salad

Summer Salads You Don’t Need to Keep Cold

  There is nothing better than picnics, summer barbecues and camping. The great outdoors is what it’s all about! But once you pack the cooler with all the goodies, there doesn’t seem to be enough space for the salads. I have compiled the healthiest and easiest salads for the summer that will keep without being […]

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cheese board

7 Things To Know When Creating a Cheese Party Board

Cheese party boards have become increasingly popular and for a good reason. They are visually appealing and offer a delightful array of flavors and textures for guests to enjoy. Whether you’re hosting a casual get-together or a formal soirée, a well-curated cheese board can be the centerpiece of your event. Before you start creating a memorable […]

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10 Gluten-Free Grains That Can Be Substituted For Wheat

By guest contributor John O. Brooks Today we examine 10 Gluten-Free Grains That Can Be Substituted For Wheat. Gluten is a family of proteins, gliadin and glutenin are the two main gluten proteins. It is found in several types of grains such as wheat, barley or rye. It creates a chewy texture in the bread. […]

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Can Food Allergies Be Treated With Chiropractic?

  “Today, I’m so excited to have a guest post by Dr. Brent Wells.” Living with food allergies is a struggle that sufferers are reminded of at every meal. Families and people living with food allergies have to change the way they look at food as they have to learn to read labels and ask […]

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Want Your Child To Eat Healthier?

“Today, I’m so excited to have a guest post by Jamie Garner .” If you ask parents, most will disclose to you that they feel remorseful about their kids’ eating regimens, knowing that it’s essential to encourage healthy food to kids, yet they’re struggling with how to do it. Here are some helpful ways to […]

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Gluten-Free Flours & Grains What You Need To Know

“sponsored content” Rice flours: Rice is one of the world’s great food staples—all the cultures of the Far East depended on its cultivation to develop their civilizations. Brown or white rice flour can be interchanged, cup for cup, in our all-purpose gluten-free flour mixture, though you may need to add a little extra water if […]

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thai chicken ramen, gluten free

20 Most Popular Gluten-Free Recipes of 2018

It’s hard to believe another year has flown by. As we approach the year’s end, I wanted to reflect on our top 20 gluten-free recipes of 2018. Some of these dishes surprised me, while others I expected to be popular didn’t quite make the cut.    Here is the list of 20 most popular gluten-free […]

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