Instant Pot Cheat Sheet and Our Best Recipes
This Instant Pot Cheat Sheet will help you with basic cooking times for everyday food. When you are short on time and would like to cook a hearty family meal, Instant Pot is the way to go. There are several advantages to using an Instant Pot.
The food cooks at a fraction of the time, you can walk away after starting the Instant Pot, and some studies have shown that food cooked in an Instant Pot retains more nutrients than cooking it on the stovetop or in the oven.
Having an Instant Pot cheat sheet is most helpful when trying to adapt slow cooker, stovetop or oven recipes to Instant Pot. Whether you are a newbie at cooking or a seasoned chef, you will find this Instant Pot Cheat Sheet most helpful.
Instant Pot Cheat Sheet
These times are based on the manual high-pressure setting
White Rice – 4 minutes
Wild Rice – 15 minutes
Brown Rice – 20 minutes
Hard Boiled Eggs – 4 minutes
Fresh Corn on the Cob – 4 minutes
Gluten-Free Pasta – 4 minutes
Whole Potato – 13 minutes
Largely Chopped Veggies – 3 minutes
Steel Cut Oats – 10 minutes
Quick Oats – 1 minute
Meatballs – 7 minutes
Chicken Breast – 10 minutes
Chicken Thighs – 10 minutes
Whole Chicken – 6 minutes per pound
Frozen Chicken Pieces – Add 3 minutes per pound
Beef Pot Roast – 15 minutes per pound
Beef Stew Meat – 40 min and then naturally release steam for 10 minutes
Pork Chops – 5 minutes
Pork Roast – 15 minutes per pound
Rack of pork ribs – 20 minutes
Brown and Green Lentils – 10 minutes
Kidney beans – 40 minutes and then naturally release steam for 10 minutes
Chickpeas – 50 minutes and then naturally release steam for 10 minutes
Foods you don’t want to cook in an Instant Pot
Instant Pot is not friendly to all foods. Most dairy products such as milk, cream or sour cream are not meant to be cooked in an Instant Pot. Dairy will curdle under high heat. Always add these ingredients after the food is cooked. The two exceptions are yogurt and cheesecake.
If you are looking to make crispy or crunchy food such as fried chicken, Instant Pot is not the way to go. However, if you want to make Instant Pot Scalloped Potatoes and want that crispy topping, once done cooking, transfer them to an oven for a few minutes to crisp up.
Our Best Instant Pot Gluten-Free Recipes
Instant Pot Beef And Vegetable Soup With Gluten-Free Mini Dumplings
Instant Pot Borscht – Ukrainian Recipe
Instant Pot Thai Chicken Vegetable Soup
Instant Pot Barbacoa Beef Recipe
Instant Pot Best Sticky Ribs Recipe
Instant Pot White Bean Minestrone
Instant Pot Mediterranean Lentil & Collard Soup
Instant Pot Creamy Mushroom & Asparagus Risotto
Gluten-Free Instant Pot Spaghetti Bolognese
You will find our complete list of Gluten-Free Instant Pot Recipes here →
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