Summer Salads You Don’t Need to Keep Cold


There is nothing better than picnics, summer barbecues and camping. The great outdoors is what it’s all about! But once you pack the cooler with all the goodies, there doesn’t seem to be enough space for the salads. I have compiled the healthiest and easiest salads for the summer that will keep without being refrigerated.

From classic Thai Celery Fennel Salad, and Simple Beet Salad to Vegan German Potato Salad and much more. You will find a salad for everyone, even for the pickiest eaters! My favourite is the Gluten-Free Pot Luck Italian Pasta Salad. It is so good!


Summer Salads You Don’t Need to Keep Cold


Moroccan Chickpea Rice Salad

rice salad gluten free



Vegan German Potato Salad

potato, German, salad


Classic Thai Celery and Fennel Salad


Gluten-Free Italian Pot Luck Pasta Salad


Roasted Veggies Sweet Miso Noodle Saladnoodles roasted veggie salad gluten free


Black Bean Corn Salad

black bean salad


Simply Beet Salad

beet, salad



Green Beans with Maple Bacon & Ginger


green beans with maple bacon and ginger


Mediterranean Brown Rice Salad

brown rice salad gluten free


Immune Boosting Lentil Salad

lentil salad in a bowl


Sauerkraut Salad With Carrots And Bell Pepper


Vegan Summer Potato Salad


Quinoa Power Salad With Orange Vinaigrette


Have a healthy and happy summer!