Gluten-Free Greek Cheese Bread

Published on Aug 10, 2024

  by   Kristina Stosek

1 reviews

Prep Time: Prep time: 15 min plus proofing minutes Cook Time: 60 minutes Serves: 1 loaf
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This Gluten-Free Greek Cheese Bread offers a tasty contrast in textures and flavors. The crust turns slightly crispy, while the interior remains soft, moist, and tender. The feta and Kasseri cheese melt into the bread, creating pockets of creamy, tangy richness. The oregano adds an aromatic hint of Mediterranean flair, and the sesame seeds add an extra crunch, making each bite So GOOD!

sliced Gluten-free Greek cheese bread

Gluten-Free Greek Cheese Bread: A Brief History

Bread has been a staple in Greek cuisine for centuries, with variations appearing throughout the country. Greek cheese bread, or “tiropsomo,” is a traditional favorite, often enjoyed in rural areas and villages. This gluten-free version pays homage to the classic recipe, allowing those following a gluten-free diet to enjoy a taste of Greek culinary tradition.

Serving Suggestions

This bread is incredibly versatile. Serve it warm with a side of olives, hummus, or tzatziki for a Mediterranean snack. It pairs beautifully with soups, such as a hearty Mediterranean Lentil & Collard Soup or Fresh Tomato Soup, or alongside White Beans with Tomatoes and Garlic. You can also enjoy it as is, as the flavorful cheese and oregano make it a stand-alone treat.


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round loaf of baked greek cheese bread

What is Kasseri (Kayseri, Kaseri, Ksara) Cheese

Kasseri cheese is one of the most well-known Greek cheeses. It has a semi-hard texture, though it can vary depending on the aging process. It is known for its tangy, slightly salty flavor and crumbly texture that becomes firmer with age.

substitutions for kasseri cheese

  1. Manchego Cheese: Manchego is a Spanish cheese made from sheep’s milk. It has a firm, crumbly texture and a slightly nutty, tangy flavor, which can be reminiscent of the aged Kayseri cheese.
  2. Pecorino Romano: Pecorino Romano is a hard, salty Italian cheese made from sheep’s milk. It has a strong, tangy flavor and a firm texture that can be similar to aged Kayseri.
  3. Grana Padano: Grana Padano is an Italian cheese with a firm texture and a slightly nutty, savory flavor. While it is milder and less tangy than Kayseri, its texture and use in cooking can be quite similar.
  4. Cotija Cheese: Cotija is a Mexican cheese that is crumbly and salty, much like feta. Though it’s typically more moist and salty, it can serve as a substitute in recipes requiring a crumbly cheese.

close up of sliced greek cheese bread

Why Did My Gluten-Free Greek Cheese Bread Fail?

If your Gluten-Free Greek Cheese Bread didn’t turn out as expected, here are a few common reasons why and how to troubleshoot:

  • Inactive Yeast: Ensure your yeast is fresh. If the dough doesn’t rise, the yeast might be expired or the water temperature may have been too hot or too cold. The temperature should be 120 – 130 F
  • Incorrect Flour Blend: Using a different gluten-free flour blend, or one that isn’t measure-for-measure, can affect the dough’s consistency and rise. For best results, use a rice-based gluten-free flour blend and measure ingredients with a kitchen scale for accuracy.
  • Overmixing or Undermixing: Gluten-free doughs can be sensitive. Overmixing can lead to dense bread, while undermixing can cause uneven texture. Mix until just combined.
  • Incorrect Baking Temperature: If the oven temperature is off, it can affect the baking time and the texture of the bread. Use an oven thermometer to ensure accurate temperature settings.
  • Underbaking or Overbaking: Ensure the bread is baked until it’s golden and sounds hollow when tapped. Underbaking can lead to a soggy center, while overbaking can make it too dry.

3 Steps to Making Gluten-Free Greek Cheese Bread

Combine Ingredients: Mix the dry and wet ingredients together to form a sticky dough. Shape the dough into a round.

round dough in a bowl

Layer and Shape: Divide the dough into three portions. For each portion, layer with cheese, then top with herbs and sesame seeds.

3 layers of dough and cheese after proofing in a pot

Bake and Enjoy: Bake until golden and enjoy your delicious gluten-free Greek cheese bread!

top of baked cheese bread topped with fresh oregano


Gluten-Free Greek Cheese Bread: Recipe Review

This Greek Cheese Bread is a hit among those following a gluten-free diet and love rich, cheesy bread without gluten. The rich cheese infusion and the good texture comes close to traditional Greek cheese bread. The simplicity of the recipe, and the serving variations, make it a go-to gluten-free bread choice even for novice bakers. Enjoy!

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