Gluten-Free Healthy Millet Bread Recipe

Published on May 08, 2021

  by   Kristina Stosek

16 reviews

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes Serves: 1 loaf
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You absolutely have to try this gluten-free millet bread recipe! There’s something magical about the process of baking—especially when the warm aroma fills your kitchen. On those grey, rainy days, nothing feels cozier than the scent of fresh bread wafting through the air.

sliced millet bread on a wooden board

Healthy Millet Bread: Wholesome and Gluten-Free 

I like to call this gluten-free bread my “healthy millet bread.” Made with whole-grain millet, sorghum flour, psyllium husk, arrowroot starch, and heart-healthy olive oil, it’s packed with nutrients and fiber! The millet flour gives the bread a delicious flavor—just the way bread should taste!

millet bread, gluten free

Versatile Millet Bread: Perfect for Any Meal

This gluten-free bread is perfect for sandwiches or toasted for breakfast with your favorite breakfast spread or sliced avocado slices. There are countless ways to enjoy it! What I love most about this millet bread is how beautifully it toasts to a golden color, achieving the perfect crispness.

millet bread, gluten free

Irresistible Garlic Millet Bread to Complete Your Meals!

First, lightly toast the bread slices. Then, brush one side with a mixture of salted butter, olive oil, minced garlic, and chopped parsley. Place the slices in a preheated oven at 400°F and bake until golden brown, about 4–5 minutes. YUM! This garlic bread pairs exceptionally well with our easy 30-minute gluten free stovetop lasagna or Italian classic, spaghetti Bolognese.

While buying gluten-free bread from the supermarket may be convenient and taste okay, this homemade gluten-free millet bread is fresh, made with nutrient-packed ingredients, and has an unbeatable texture.

It has quickly become one of my favorite gluten-free bread recipes. You can use this millet bread for savory sandwiches or enjoy it with sweet spreads!


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healthy gluten-free bread

A Unique Addition to Our Bread Collection

I’m super excited about this gluten-free healthy millet bread! While we have many nutritious gluten-free bread recipes on our blog, this one stands out. First, it toasts beautifully and has an incredible bread texture. Plus, it’s loaded with nutrients and fiber.

The Perfect Toasting Bread

It took me a long time to develop a bread recipe that toasts this well. Unlike many gluten-free breads, this one tastes like real bread—not like a sponge or dry crumbs. If you’re looking for a bread recipe without seeds or nuts, try this millet bread recipe.

Ease of Preparation

The bread recipe is straightforward and easy to follow, which is a huge plus for home bakers of any skill level.

millet flour in a bowl

Understanding Millet, Sorghum, and Arrowroot Starch

Millet: Raw millet looks like birdseed. When ground into flour, millet is pale yellow colour and is ideal for gluten-free baking. Millet grows primarily in India, Africa and Russia.

This tiny whole grain is packed with protein, nutrients and antioxidants. It has been documented that it may help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. 

Sorghum: Sorghum is another nutrient-packed grain that is naturally gluten-free. Some vitamin and mineral highlights are B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. And sorghum is an excellent source of antioxidants, protein and fiber.

Arrowroot Starch: Arrowroot is a root vegetable used in gluten-free baking and cooking—this root, when ground to a powder, is an excellent gluten-free thickening agent. Arrowroot also lightens up the texture of gluten-free baked goods. This root is known to stimulate your immune system and may help to treat diarrhea.

toasted millet bread topped with avocado on a plate with a tomato


The Benefits of Psyllium Husk in Baking

I absolutely love psyllium husk! This superfood is a game-changer in gluten-free baking. It helps retain moisture and prevents bread from becoming too crumbly. I often incorporate it into chia pudding, yogurt, or even soups and gravies for an extra fiber boost. With 21.8 grams of dietary fiber per ounce of psyllium husk powder, it’s a fantastic way to enhance your meals.

Psyllium Husk vs. Psyllium Powder

Both psyllium husk and psyllium powder come from the same food source, but the powder is more nutritionally concentrated. You can substitute whole psyllium husk for psyllium powder in baking; the conversion ratio is 1 tablespoon of whole psyllium husk to 1 teaspoon of psyllium powder.

gluten-free healthy bread


I hope you give this gluten-free healthy millet bread a try. We all love different bread textures and flavours. I find this millet bread recipe is a keeper, making it a guilt-free choice for any meal.. Enjoy!

Let’s Connect!

Many thanks!

Kristina xx

Nutrition Info

  • Nutritional Information Per Slice 1/12 | Calories: 210 | Protein: 2.75g | Fiber: 2.17g | Fat: 5.83g | Note: This calculation is approximate and can vary based on specific brands and variations in ingredient quantities.

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I understand, we are working on it for all our future recipes, thank you


I am interested in trying this "Healthy Millet Bread"! I'm wondering if you have version of the recipe in grams so that I can weigh the ingredients on a scale? I've found that I have better success with gluten free bread when I measure this way. Thanks very much.


Roxy, the yeast may have expired. There is no reason why the bread should not rise. I make this bread often, and it always turns out great. Was the dough too dry or too thin for you? I am sorry that it didn't turn out.


This was my first and last time attempting gluten-free bread. I'm so upset I wasted so many expensive ingredients... It barely rised and it did not bake inside. No idea what went wrong...


yes Gina you can use tapioca flour


Can I use tapioca flour instead of arrowroot?


Anon, I can’t answer that question since I have not tested the recipe with sorghum flour that includes tapioca and psyllium, sorry.


Hi Kristina, One more question. I just found that my sorghum flour already contains tapioca starch and psyllium. How much of the sorghum flour should I take then given that I may not need to separately add arrowroot starch and psyllium powder?


Anon, they are US


Hi, Could you please tell me if the volume measurements are metric, US, or imperial?


sorry Christine, but we have not tried this recipe in a bread machine, so don’t know the answer to that

Christine Stanton

Hi, does this recipe work in a bread machine? Thank you in advance. Christine


yes Valerie, you can use nut milk


Can I use a nut milk in this recipe? Thank you!


Peter, I have not used anything besides xanthan gum in this millet bread recipe. However, if I had to substitute it, I would use couple of beaten egg whites


I used instant quick rise, there is a link in the post to the type of yeast I used Peter, thank you


what type of yeast are you using? Active dry yeast?


is it possible to replace xanthan gum please? Or just not add this artificial staff to it?


yes Ros, you can replace it with tapioca starch, potato starch or corn starch


Sounds a great, but do you think I could replace the arrowroot with tapioca? Thanks!


you can sub sorghum for oat flour, quinoa flour, potato starch (not flour) and amaranth. If you sub for millet the flavour may not be the same Terri, but yes you can

Terri S.

Two questions—can I eliminate sorghum for either flax or millet flour?


yes Lea, you can make an egg-substitute. Here is a link on how to make an egg replacement

Lea Davis

I have a severe egg allergy. Any suggestions? This looks delicious!


Hi Liana, It should work using a pullman pan, although I have not used it for this millet bread recipe, Kristina

Liana Roy

Hi Jen....I just have the bread proofing and I'm excited to bake it. Do you think a Pullman pan would work instead of a cake pan filled with water in the oven? Would love to hear your thoughts.


excellent Jen, thank you for sharing

Jen. Reed

Thank you soooo much for this bread recipe. The texture is amazing!!


Thank you Trish for sharing, I am so happy that your family loves the millet bread

Trish. Rodney

my gluten-free family LOVES this millet bread, thank you sooo much for this recipe!


Michelle, thank you for sharing


Thank you for this millet bread recipe. My son is 12 and has celiac disease and I couldn’t find a gluten-free bread that he liked until now. He LOVES this bread, thank you so much for this recipe. I have tried some of your chocolate muffin recipes and they are also a big hit, thank you for all your recipes!


thank you Annabel for sharing xx

Annabel clowes

I don’t normally make comments but this time I had to… this is honestly THE BEST bread I’ve ever made - including wheat bread! I was in absolute shock that it worked and was so impressed. Thank you for sharing this incredible recipe ☺️


yes I recommend keeping the bread in the fridge


I love the consistency of this bread especially for sandwiches. Should I keep it in the fridge?

Sarah K.

great bread, love the texture!

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