10 Gluten-Free Grains That Can Be Substituted For Wheat

By guest contributor John O. Brooks

Today we examine 10 Gluten-Free Grains That Can Be Substituted For Wheat. Gluten is a family of proteins, gliadin and glutenin are the two main gluten proteins. It is found in several types of grains such as wheat, barley or rye. It creates a chewy texture in the bread.

For many of us, gluten is not a problem at all. But there are few people who can’t tolerate it. If you are one of them, you have to know which grains are gluten-free and can be substituted for grains that contain gluten.

If you’re suffering from Celiac disease or gluten intolerance,  you must follow a gluten-free diet. It can be a challenge for you but there are a lot of alternatives available. In this article, I will cover the best 10 grains which can be substituted for wheat. Here we go.


No matter it’s white or brown, it’s always gluten-free. But you have to make sure that it’s not cross-contaminated with gluten and no ingredients are added to the rice which contains gluten, such as soy sauce to sushi.


Being pronounced ‘keen wah’, it’s a famous pseudo cereal which can be found in South America. Quinoa contains real proteins and all of the nine essential amino acids including magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron.

It’s also filled with Vitamin B and E and dietary fiber which helps you to keep you fuller for longer. This outrageously easy quinoa pizza crust is a must try recipe


Amaranth is like a powerhouse of protein. It has a lot of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. Just like Quinoa, it’s also a pseudo cereal. People like it as a cooked cereal just like oatmeal in sweet or savory dishes.


This grain is generally cultivated as a cereal grain. It is often used to produce a type of sweetener, sorghum syrup. It’s rich in fiber and helps to keep the blood sugar steady by slowing down the consumption of sugar.

With 0% of gluten, it can be ground into the flour and used for gluten-free goods, such as this amazing gluten-free maple caramel apple tart


One of the healthiest grains in the world. Also known as the best source of beta-glucan. Beta-glucan helps to slow down the consumption of sugar and lowers your blood sugar and insulin levels 15, 16.

Usually, oats are gluten-free by nature but some brands may contain some amounts of gluten. However, this grain is gluten-free and works well for the people who can’t tolerate gluten.

When it comes to oats, always buy certified gluten-free. Check out this gingerbread overnight oats with chia and hemp hearts breakfast



Buckwheat is a fruit seed. It’s related to the rhubarb plant. With the existence of Rutin in it, it helps to strengthen the capillary walls. It’s assumed that it may be able to lower the blood pressure. Sweet vegetables like carrots, caramelized onions, parsnips are very delicious with this grain.


It’s a healthy alternative to wheat, mostly cultivated in North Africa. It looks and tastes just the same as Quinoa or Millet. It’s very nutritious and very easy to prepare. Alternative to wheat but it has higher protein than wheat, also having more calcium, iron and amino acid. These gluten-free teff energy cookies are a big hit every time


Millet is full of protein, iron and B vitamins. It’s much like rice. You can eat it dry-roasted or cooked. Millet flour is often used in gluten-free cakes, pancakes, and bread, and having a healthy gluten-free millet bread with homemade jerky seasonings is heavenly delicious. Or try this delicious Gluten-Free One Bowl Zucchini Banana Flax Bread.

sliced zucchini banana flax bread


It’s one of the most popular gluten-free grains around the globe. It’s very high in fiber. Powerful source for antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, carotenoids lutein, and plant pigments.

Being high in protein, it also has a high amount of vitamin B6, magnesium, manganese, thiamin, and selenium. You can boil it, grill it, or roast it if you want to make healthy well-balanced side dishes. It’s great to add to a salad, casserole or soup.


This grain is very useful for your gluten-free diet. It’s the main element for bubble tea in Asia and beads are used in various types of desserts, such as pudding and many more. Tapioca flour is used in many gluten-free muffin recipes.

It can be challenging to follow a gluten-free diet if you have a sensitivity to gluten or celiac disease. But no worries, with various gluten-free grains, you can replace wheat from your diet.

Author Bio: John O. Brooks is a content developer on food and health. He has good experience in food blogging. He loves eating but whenever he eats, he makes sure he’s eating healthy. Because health is wealth.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of only gluten-free recipes or its staff.


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