Easy Paleo Strawberry Pie Recipe

Published on May 15, 2016

  by   Kristina Stosek

16 reviews

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes Serves: 8-inch pie
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I am super excited about this Paleo Strawberry Pie Recipe. The juicy strawberries topped with gluten-free almond crumble make this paleo strawberry pie explosively delicious. I promise you — this is the easiest strawberry pie recipe you will ever make.

baked strawberry pie with bubbling strawberries, gluten free

paleo strawberry pie recipe overview,

First, you will need a lot of fresh, preferably organic strawberries. When I say a lot, I mean two and a half pounds. When strawberries are cooked, they will shrink in size — this is why you need a lot of strawberries.

The strawberries are quartered and mixed with tapioca starch and only a tablespoon of coconut sugar. They should be ripe but still firm.

The riper the strawberries, the sweeter the pie. You may also enjoy another couple of our popular strawberry desserts. The Gluten-Free Strawberry Apple Cake, or the Gluten-Free Strawberry Sheet Cake with Strawberry Glaze.


baked paleo strawberry pie in a pie dish topped with a strawberry

first, bake the strawberries

The strawberries are baked in a pie dish for about thirty minutes. Just long enough for the strawberries to slightly soften and release their delicious juices. Then comes the topping.

almond crumble topping for strawberry pie

For the paleo strawberry pie topping, you will need only five ingredients. Almond flour, butter or coconut oil, honey, vanilla and blanched almonds.

This is the crumble that you will add on top of the strawberries. Once you add the topping, the pie is baked for another fifteen minutes or so, and the strawberry dessert is ready.

all you need is 8 ingredients for this strawberry pie recipe

Honestly, you will love this paleo strawberry dessert. Using only a handful of healthy ingredients, you can enjoy this most delicious strawberry pie. The recipe is full-proof and well tested many times over 🙂 

strawberries in a white bowl

Why are strawberries so good for us?

The strawberries should be organic because they are more nutritious and more flavourful. This small berry is packed with antioxidants, is low in calories, only about 33 calories per 100 grams, and the strawberries are rich in vitamin C. Per 100 grams of strawberries, you will get almost 98% of your daily intake of vitamin C.

Including strawberries in your diet will promote a healthy body. And what a better way to include strawberries in your diet than making a gluten-free, paleo strawberry dessert!

serving suggestion

I call this paleo strawberry pie simplicity at it’s best! I like to serve this strawberry dessert with coconut ice cream or just as is. This naturally gluten-free dessert doesn’t need anything else because it is that good! Enjoy.

Need more strawberry recipes? Check out these healthy, gluten-free strawberry desserts.

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Many thanks!

Kristina xx

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Kara, sorry to hear that your pie did not turn out as you expected. The only thing that I would mention, the strawberries must be firm, fresh and ripe. Some strawberries are sour and need extra sweetener, as far as mush, I can only think that they were not firm before baking. I find organic strawberries have the best flavor.


not a good recipe - like mush, not sweet enough (followed recipe, but added a little extra coconut sugar)

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