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Wow, this Gluten-Free Chocolate Pumpkin Cake with Ganache is simply heavenly! After indulging in this three-layer treat, you wouldn’t believe it’s gluten-free. It’s rich, chocolaty, and incredibly moist. Plus, the addition of superfood cocoa powder and pumpkin adds a wholesome twist. Fair warning: this chocolate pumpkin cake is seriously addictive!
![chocolate pumpkin cake on a cake platter, gluten free]()
A Chocolate Pumpkin Cake with Ganache
This rich gluten-free dessert beautifully combines the flavors of chocolate and pumpkin into a moist, decadent cake, all topped with a smooth and luscious ganache.
Typically associated with the fall season, this gluten-free pumpkin delight is a favorite for those who love the warm, earthy essence of pumpkin paired with the indulgent taste of chocolate.
![chocolate pumpkin cake with ganache topping on a cake stand]()
The Perfect Trio: Chocolate, Pumpkin, and Ganache
What’s not to love about the combination of chocolate, pumpkin, and ganache? The velvety chocolate ganache topping takes this cake to the next level of indulgence, adding a luxurious finish that perfectly complements the rich flavors beneath.
A Delicious Combination of Chocolate and Pumpkin
Today, I combined the rich flavors of chocolate with moist pumpkin cake. This dessert features multiple layers of flavor that satisfy your sweet tooth and cravings for something decadent.
The Perfect Pairing
The creaminess of the chocolate beautifully complements the natural sweetness of the pumpkin. Adding ganache elevates this healthy-ish gluten-free dessert to the top of our fall favorites. The pumpkin cake is moist and flavorful, perfectly balancing the indulgent sweetness of the chocolate.
![a slice of chocolate pumpkin cake with ganache topping on a plate, gluten free]()
The Graham Crust
The foundation of this dessert is a homemade gluten-free graham crust. To prepare it, you’ll need basic pantry staples like gluten-free flour, butter, milk, egg, sweetener, baking powder, baking soda, and a pinch of cinnamon.
After mixing the crust ingredients, spread the dough evenly in the bottom of a springform pan and bake it before adding the next layer.
The Chocolate Pumpkin Cake Layer
The second layer, the chocolate pumpkin cake, is incredibly simple to make. Just combine all the cake ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture over the baked graham crust and pop it in the oven.
The Ganache Topping
For the ganache, melt semi-sweet chocolate chips with heavy cream. Once the ganache is ready, pour it over the cooled cake, allowing it to flow and create a decadent, smooth, and glossy finish.
![pumpkin cake on a cake platter decorated with ganache and flowers]()
Gluten-Free Chocolate Pumpkin Cake with Ganache: A Fall Dessert
The combination of chocolate cake, graham crust, and ganache topping creates a dessert that’s perfect for autumn gatherings, Halloween parties, Thanksgiving feasts, or any occasion when you want to savor the flavors of the season in a sweet treat. This decadent dessert will delight both chocolate and pumpkin lovers alike.
If you plan to keep the cake for a few days, store it in the refrigerator. Place it in an airtight container or wrap it with foil. Gluten-free cakes tend to have a shorter shelf life than their gluten-containing counterparts, so refrigeration helps maintain freshness.
More gluten-free pumpkin desserts to explore
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Kristina x
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