Best Gluten-Free Jalapeño Cheese Corn Muffins

Published on Jun 09, 2018

  by   Kristina Stosek

6 reviews

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Serves: 12 muffins
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If you like corn muffins, you will love this Gluten-Free Jalapeño Cheese Corn Muffin. I am super excited about sharing this corn muffin recipe with you today. Finally, I have mastered a corn muffin that is fluffy, moist, cheesy and lightly spiced with fresh jalapeño peppers.

fresh jalapeños in a bowl

Mexican-Style Gluten-Free Jalapeño Cheese Corn Muffins

You’ll love this gluten-free muffin recipe—it’s super easy to make! While the ingredient list is a bit longer than a basic corn muffin recipe, it’s worth it to achieve that perfect, moist texture.

For the ideal crumb and a delicious corn flavor, I used cornmeal, almond flour, and tapioca flour. To keep the muffin extra moist, I added yogurt, cream or milk, and olive oil. The cheese blends in beautifully, adding a tasty cheesy kick.

But it’s the fresh jalapeño peppers that really take these Mexican-Style Gluten-Free Jalapeño Cheese Corn Muffins to the next level, bringing in spice, flavor, and texture for an insanely delicious treat.

After you try this gluten-free muffin recipe, I promise you’ll agree it’s the best gluten-free jalapeño cheese corn muffin ever. After experimenting with different ingredients countless times, I finally nailed it!

grits, cornmeal, cornflour in measuring cups

What’s the difference between grits, cornmeal, and cornflour?

 Cornflour and cornmeal are both made from milled, naturally gluten-free dried corn. However, the texture is entirely different. It is the degree of milling that determines the texture.

Cornflour is fine and smooth and can be used in cakes, bread such as this gluten-free country blueberry cornbread or as a thickener in soups, stews and gravy.

Cornmeal is coarsely ground and feels gritty. Cornmeal is often used in cornbread, muffins, biscuits such as the gluten-free cheddar corn biscuits and polenta. Polenta may be served as a hot porridge, or it may be allowed to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried, or grilled.

On the other hand, grits are stone-ground dried corn. Stone-ground flours are thought to be more nutritionally soundbecause they contain the germ and bran. The texture is very coarse and is typically used to make porridge, also called grits, or cooked with other flavours and served as breakfast.

Gluten-Free Jalapeño Cheese Corn Muffins

Serving Suggestions:

These Gluten-Free Jalapeño Cheese Corn Muffins pair perfectly with chili, soups, and stews—or even as a tasty late afternoon snack. Enjoy!

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