5 Juicing Recipes to Heal Acne Breakout Naturally

Summer is the perfect time to try various juicing recipes, right? But did you know that juicing can help you get rid of acne fast and naturally? If you have been trying to treat acne without attaining positive results, consider any of the following juicing recipes to heal acne breakout naturally.

3 glasses of different juices on the table

How Juicing Helps Heal Acne 

Most of us blend desired ingredients not for skin care but for other health benefits. However, juicing the right ingredients helps treat acne and improve the overall health of the skin from the inner side. Below is how juicing helps heal acne.

More insulin in the blood causes excessive growth of the root cells of the hair follicles contributing to acne formation.

Apart from keeping you hydrated, juicing helps maintain your blood sugar to normal levels which in turn reduces the production of insulin.

Juicing also helps balance hormonal levels which in turn heals acne caused by hormonal change

Lastly, the ingredients used to juice contain varying vitamins and nutrients which are essential for the growth and rejuvenation of skin cells.

green juice in a glass with lemons, broccoli, kiwi and bell pepper next to it

5 Juicing Recipes to Heal Acne Breakout Naturally

Celery Juice 

Our first juice on natural solutions to heal acne is the stalks celery juice. If the V8 juice is your thing, then, you will love this green juice that is rich in vitamin A, C, and magnesium.

Stalks celery juice also provides your body with essential nutrients and massive dehydration.

Looking into the causes of acne, dirty blood can also be a possible cause. To make sure that this is not something to worry about, this superb juice purifies and detoxifies the blood.


  1. 5 stalks celery
  2. 5 carrots
  3. 1-2 ripe tomatoes
  4. 1 cucumber
  5. 2 cups spinach


  • Slice all the ingredients and blend
  • The juice is perfect when served cold. So, be sure to drop some ice cubes as you blend.

carrot juice for acne in a glass

Carrot juice 

If you are not so much into greens, this carrot juice will make a perfect match for you. It is a green-free juice that will clear acne and pimples leaving the whole of your body healthy and beautiful.

Not to dwell on its amazing taste, the carrot juice is filled with great benefits from each of the ingredients, giving you a natural acne treatment remedy.


  • 5 carrots
  • 1-inch ginger
  • A cup of chopped pineapple
  • Half peeled grapefruit
  • 1 sweet pepper (yellow)


  • Slice all the ingredients on a chopping board and run them through a blender.
  • You can add some ice cubes to make the juice more delightful.

beetroot juice for acne in a glass

Beetroot Juice 

Still working on the juicing recipes to heal acne breakout naturally, the beetroot juice is another capable remedy that will not only fight acne but also leave our skin looking gorgeous and beautiful.

We all know how beneficial the beetroot is, alongside apples and cucumbers, this juice will definitely be of great help to our skin and overall health.


  • 4 stalks of carrots
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 apple
  • 1 small beet


  • Run all the ingredients in a blender including the green stem of the beetroot
  • Serve while cold

citrus green juice for acne in two glasses and a jar

Green Citrus juice 

The green citrus juice features a striking recipe that comprises of ginger, carrots, orange, lemon, and not to forget the kale which is the source of the green color.

The carrot undisputedly provides vitamin A while the ginger comes in with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Both the lemon and orange and citrus fruits which also holds anti-inflammatory properties and essential vitamins.


  • 1 peeled orange
  • 1 peeled lemon
  • 3-4 leaves of kale
  • 5 stalks of carrots


  • Slice the ingredients and blend into a fine smoothie
  • Throwing some ice cubes in the smoothie will make it just but perfect

glass of apple juice with spinach and celery

Apple juice 

To conclude our list, I am going to discuss this super juicing recipe that will rescue you from acne and other body complications. This recipe is basically a blend of cucumber, carrots, spinach, apple, and celery.

Due to the rich and capable ingredients, we can tell from a distance that this juice is going to be very powerful and effective. Apart from just working on your skin, this super juice will detoxify and hydrate the whole of your system.


  • 4-5 stalks of carrots
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 apple
  • 4 stalks celery
  • 2 cups spinach


  • Chop all the ingredients and run through a
  • Toss some ice in the blender
  • Blend until you achieve a fine smoothie


If you have tried almost everything under the sun and still acne does not leave your face or back, it is the high chance you go for the juicing recipes to heal acne breakout naturally that we have just discussed.

If your acne is due to gluten intolerance, following a strict nutritious gluten-free diet is most beneficial to treating acne. Because people that suffer from gluten intolerance cannot properly digest gluten, these large molecules enter the bloodstream, and the immune system recognizes them as invaders, activating an immune response that increases inflammation, which in turn can result in acne


meghan ann the authorAbout the Author

She is Megan Ann and She is chatting about parenting, family friendly activities, yummy recipes, family travel, and living a life full of love and laughter. She tries to write useful and informative articles to help you as much as she can with her knowledge about health and beauty. 


Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of only gluten-free recipes or its staff.